How can I detect when a GUIS size has changed?

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? I want to know how I can detect when a GUIs size has changed.

  2. What is the issue? I don’t know how to.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? I looked for solutions on YT and dev forum, but I haven’t found any so far.

I need to detect when a GUis size, mainly X/Y’s offset/scale(like a single number). Please help, I need all the advice I can get!


One way of doing it can be by using the .Changed event which fires whenever a property changed in the object:

	if ChangedProperty == "Size" then
		-- Everything here will run if the guis' size changed

The function returns a string which describes the name of the property. Therefore, if the string equals to “Size” you know the size property changed.


You can use the GetPropertyChangedSignal() function to listen to any changes made to the specified property in any Instance.

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Neither of your code works, I’m trying to make it so when it detects that a change has been made, the new value will be multiplied by a number.

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Does the code we presented not work, or is it just not suitable?
Cuz you can just save the new size value to a variable or something when you manage to detect it changing.

I made it so when the exp gets more than 1, it times a number to use tweening for a good size UI. I used both your methods and tried to use print() for them, but it would print nothing. When I tested it, it worked for only 1 time but it would stay stuck there. It also wasn’t what I wanted. Heres the code:

	elseif exp.Value > (MaxExp.Value - (MaxExp.Value - exp.Value)) then
			if ChangedProperty == "Size" then
				local newMth = plrExp.Size.X.Offset
					exp.Value *= (newMth + add)
					plrExp:TweenSize(, (exp.Value * (mth + add)),1.129, 0), "Out", "Linear", 0.5, false)

I am not sure what the issue can be. I tested it myself with the same code I wrote here and it worked everytime I changed the size. Maybe there could be some problem with your code, but I don’t see anything problematic.

if GetPropertyChangedSignal Dosent work try this code replace the NewValue with the size of the gui and oldvalue with also the size of the UI

local OldValue = 100
while wait() do
	local NewValue = 2
	if NewValue ~= OldValue then
	OldValue = NewValue

Heres my entire script then:

local lvlFrame = script.Parent:WaitForChild("LevelFrame")
local maxExp = lvlFrame:WaitForChild("MaxExp")
local plrExp = maxExp:WaitForChild("PlrExp")
local futureLvl = lvlFrame:WaitForChild("FutureLevel")
local add = lvlFrame:WaitForChild("Add").Value
local currentLvl = lvlFrame:WaitForChild("CurrentLevel")
local tween = game:GetService("TweenService")
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local exp = plr.Exp
local MaxExp = plr.MaxExp
local lvl = plr.Level
local futLvl = plr.FutureLevel

function newLevelGui()
	plrExp:TweenSize(, 0,1.129, 0), "Out", "Linear", 0.5, false)
	currentLvl.Text = lvl.Value
	futureLvl.Text = futLvl.Value

function updatePlrLvl()
	lvl.Value += 1
	futLvl.Value += 1
	exp = 0
	MaxExp.Value += 50

local mth = plrExp.Size.X.Offset

	if exp.Value == (MaxExp.Value - (MaxExp.Value - exp.Value)) then
		plrExp.Size =, (mth + add), 1.129, 0)
	elseif exp.Value > (MaxExp.Value - (MaxExp.Value - exp.Value)) then
			if ChangedProperty == "Size" then
				local newMth = plrExp.Size.X.Offset
					exp.Value *= (newMth + add)
					plrExp:TweenSize(, (exp.Value * (mth + add)),1.129, 0), "Out", "Linear", 0.5, false)
	elseif exp.Value == MaxExp.Value then

the problem is that when it changes, the newMth variable doesn’t work. i think

local Gui = script:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("ScreenGui")
local Frame = Gui:FindFirstChildOfClass("Frame")

local Resized = Frame:GetPropertyChangedSignal("AbsoluteSize")

	print("The frame's size has changed!")

This works as I’ve just tested it.

What if i wanted to find when a specific property of the size, like the offset/scale of X, what would I put?

Oi, back at it again with this case.
You can make a variable to store the size value in. You can use it to check for changes and save it for later:
(I have tested this and it works)

local gui = script.Parent -- This will refer to your gui object
local lastOffset_X = gui.Size.X.Offset -- Set the value to the current gui size right away to act as the base value

	if property == "Size" then
		if gui.Size.X.Offset ~= lastOffset_X then -- if our new size X offset is not equal to the saved one, overwrite it with the new one
			print("Last Size: " .. lastOffset_X .. "  New Size: " .. gui.Size.X.Offset)
			lastOffset_X = gui.Size.X.Offset -- overwriting

Hope this time it helps.