How can I disable BillboardGui's auto scaling?

Here is what i’m talking about, i have these three BillboardGui’s currently at a close distance

As you see, they look fine.

But when i zoom out the BillboardGui scales up (this is what i don’t want to have.).

I tried to use UISizeConstraint but that dosen’t work

I just need to know how to stop this from happening,


Try using scale instead of offset ({X, Y} use X). It ran into this a while ago and didn’t know you could.
Number isn’t on a scale of 0-1 this time though, you can set it to 2/3/4 with no issues.


Oddly enough, if you have text scaled disabled this can happen. I don’t know if that’s the issue though.
Text scaled disabled + A big box for the text = it getting bigger further out.

If this is the case then just make the box smaller and turn on scaling,


I didn’t know that TextScaled can cause that to not happen, but i need to have the text size limited, the reply above fixed my issue.

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theres a way to do both, here let me show you in a video

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Sorry for the crappy video, just wanted to make it as quick as possible

I’ll also explain what I did, so set the billboard gui size to how big you want the name/text to be.
Then, in your text label’s size to 1,0,1,0 so it takes up the entire billboard gui.
Finally, set text scaled to true. That should be it, it worked for me.

Also sorry for the low quality, didn’t notice it was that bad while recording it.


Oh, my UITextSizeConstraint actually did nothing, but thanks for informing me!

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glad I could contribute in some way

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