How can I disable the arms shaking when holding a tool?

When I hold a tool the hand shake likes this:
robloxapp-20240212-1923354.wmv (356.9 KB)
Anyone knows how I can fix that?
Here’s the script:

local HoldingAnim = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid"):LoadAnimation(script.Parent.Animations.Holding)
HoldingAnim.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Action2

its due to the walk animation of roblox
it also might change if you put it as a action2

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Potentially check if the weight of the animation is less than 1? Also check if you have a custom walk animation higher priority than Action2. Other than that, I don’t see this not working.

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It still doesn’t work, I don’t know why, I guess I’ll just make my own walking animation.

Oh, by the way, using “Humanoid” for loading animations is deprecated. Use the Humanoids child class, “Animator”.

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Oh thanks, I didn’t know that.

I fixed it, I edited roblox default walking animation and made it so, that only
the legs move. When the player equips the tool I change the walking animation.

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