How can I disable the Ellipsis (Triple Dot) Menu?


How do you remove the ellipsis (or triple dot) button that leads to the Report button… I want to do a sort of full remake of the UI for my game but unfortunately this is stuck here. Do I just need to leave it be?


I’ve already looked around but usually I just found people doing SetCoreGui… which this is not a part of.
I even looked around SetCore in the Docs and it didn’t seem to have much on it either.

(That extra button without an icon is a button I’m working on, I was just getting the measurements.)


I wish there was a way to remove that, it just takes up a lot more space. Even with all Core GUIs disabled, this still does not go away. My game doesn’t even let you move your mouse to click that button, so it’s completely and utterly useless.

there used to be a glitch, but it is patched : (