How can I do this with my custom body parts?

Hello I’m currently making some bodyparts for a character and I want to overlay shirts and pants with a secondary texture like how this Zombie package does it

As you can see, on the zombie arm, you can see that part of it is green and the gray areas can be overlayed with a shirt without any complications. Can i do this? If so how???

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Pretty sure it’s because that’s the UpperArm and LowerArm Meshes. You just have to change the Texture applied to the UpperArm section.

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But this mesh can also use r6?

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I wonder if there can be 2 Shirt textures applied to the arms?
One with the lower zombie arm, but the upper section transparent.
One with the upper shirt arm and the lower arm is transparent.
I’m guessing it can because putting a Graphic t-shirt on Roblox Avatars has been around for a long time.
I know Textures have some sort of priority Property (z-index?) that makes one Texture appear on top of another.
I’ve never tried it but someone else may have a suggestion.

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