i want to achieve good explosive particles
When I emit my particles in a plugin, they look good, but when I emit them in code, they look awful.
This is in the plugin:
This is the outcome with my script:
I tried multiple particle emitter scripts but they dont work for me
Heres my current script:
there should be other attributes under the particle called “EmitDelay” and “EmitDuration”.
Using all these attributes together should get the result you desire. This is what I do:
for _, Particles in yourEffect:GetDescendants() do
if Particles:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then
task.delay(Particles:GetAttribute("EmitDelay") or 0, function()
Particles:Emit(Particles:GetAttribute("EmitCount") or Particles.Rate)
I only use EmitCount and EmitDelay so your code might look different if you want to incorporate EmitDuration.
So i used your code and it still doesnt work:
For Reference:
With the plugin:
I mean this button with plugin:
could you screenshot what attributes are under your particles?
The plugin seems to just be emitting a different amount of particles from whats set in the attribute.
Try changing EmitCount and EmitDelay to whatever it is in the plugin
yeah, let me know if that works
you set it for all your particles?
Yes the settings are correct. It should work but it doesnt
weird, hard to tell from just screenshots. Maybe your graphics quality is set to low?
no they are set to max level. Should i download a different plugin or smth?
Heres how i implement the funtion you gave me:
Do u have any other advice? Bro
if you dont mind sending over a place file, i could take a look at it
yeah i can do that give me one sec i dont know how to do this
Theres a update missing in my studio.
The problem here is that you’re emitting the particles as soon as its cloned, which doesn’t give them a chance to load.
There are definitely better ways to do this but a quick fix would just be to put a task.wait(.1) before emitting the particles:
local function EmitAll(yourEffect)
for _, Particles in yourEffect:GetDescendants() do
if Particles:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then
task.delay(Particles:GetAttribute("EmitDelay") or 0, function()
Particles:Emit(Particles:GetAttribute("EmitCount") or Particles.Rate)
One solution might be to create the part earlier, then just do Emit() whenever the button is pressed instead of cloning it.
Thank you so much. This looks so much better now. Can u give me any other tipps to my scripts or explain to me how i could load a particle so that i can emit it later?