How can I estimate this long decimal to a whole number on GUI?

In my tower defense game, the players get cash every time the wave is starting. But with my script I made which divides the amount of cash you get of how many players there are, it makes a huge decimal. Here is what it looks like:
Screenshot 2025-01-25 222144
I need there to be no decimals and just make it into a whole number. Here is the script of what I have:

	local reward = 50 * math.round(wave / 1)
			local devideReward = 1

			if #game.Players:GetChildren() == 1 then
				devideReward = 1
			elseif #game.Players:GetChildren() == 2 then
				devideReward = 1.5
			elseif #game.Players:GetChildren() == 3 then
				devideReward = 2
			elseif #game.Players:GetChildren() == 4 then
				devideReward = 2.5
				if mode == "PettyWarfare" then
					reward = 200 / devideReward + 50 / devideReward * wave
				elseif mode == "Normal" then
					reward = 200 / devideReward + 40 / devideReward * wave
				elseif mode == "WorldWar" then
					reward = 200 / devideReward + 33 / devideReward * wave
			for i, player in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
				player.Gold.Value += reward
			info.Message.Value = "Wave Reward: $" .. reward

			for i=5, 0, -1 do
				info.Message.Value = "Next wave starting in..." .. i

have you tried math.round?


How can I add that to this script?

info.Message.Value = "Wave Reward: $" .. math.round(reward)

Wow that was the fastest post solve I have ever seen here. Thanks it works

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