How can I export shading nodes from blender and import them to roblox?

I looked around a lot on Google, but I cannot find how I can export the nodes I made and import them to roblox. Please let me know if you have the same problem and how you fixed it. Any feedback would help! Thank you!

They might be saved in a modifier, I know geometry nodes are but I’m not sure about shading.

If they are, apply that modifier

to my knowledge roblox only supports the smooth shader and vertex colors, other than that I don’t think you can put anything else into it.

Unfortunately not possible as roblox doesn’t support custom shaders. you could try looking into texture baking to see if that covers what you’re trying to do.

ItsNathanity is correct, but for additional context: Roblox does not support individual nodes or node trees, but does support Metal, Spec, Norm, and Colormap bakes that can be output from Blender node trees. This is a common way to get textures for SurfaceAppearance or MaterialVariants in Studio.

For example, here is some rusty corrugated steel I made recently. Its node tree has colour, roughness (which will be spec), metal, and normal maps set up in the Principled BSDF. The node tree also has an Image Texture node that isn’t connected to anything. This is required for the bake output. If your shader is intended as a MaterialVariant, make sure your object is a Plane and UV is taking up the whole UV space. If your shader is intended to be applied to specific meshes, make sure they are UV unwrapped appropriately.

Add an Image Texture, create a new image at the size of texture you want (I bake at 2k then scale down to whatever I actually need in-game), name the texture whatever you want. Make sure you have it selected in the node tree (white outline).

Then in the Render tab on the right, set Render Engine to Cycles, scroll down to Bake, select in the dropdown whichever map your baking, and click Bake.

The output can be saved locally, or copied/pasted and brought over to whatever texture editing software you use for touchups.

There’s likely many alternative ways to achieve this but this is the workflow that best suits me :slight_smile:


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