How can I find a card's list in a trello script?

I got 3 lists, with different users names which when the player enters will get printed out. What I have a problem with is that I want to print the name and then the name of the list that the card is and using things like card.list or doesn’t seem to be right source of code, netherless I never really worked with trello before.

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I recommend looking over the Trello API for this as the method of GetListFromCardID is clearly documented here.

are you using the trello API by nstrike?

yes and im not really into trello stuff that much

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In that case you would want to use the GetList function in the API. You should review the instructions in the API as they explain it best

I don’t really understand whats said on the website

I mean the instructions inside the script by nstrike. He has put some detailed instructions on it in the script regarding the functionality of it

He has nothing regarding getting list from card