I am working on a random tunnel generation that is similar to that in doors except the the tunnels can branch out and form different paths, and there is the problem. A normal tunnel has 1 exit and a splitter has 2 exits, a normal tunnel generates normally and so does the splitter but it gets stuck on the splitter and doesn’t generate anymore and sometimes it only generates 1 tunnel from the splitter and it just stops. I added a for i, v in pairs()
to make sure the script checks the whole model for parts that are called Exit
. I have no idea why it does that because I checked the model and made sure the parts are named correctly and still no luck.
Here is the code I am using, maybe someone will find an error in here because there aren’t any in the output.
Modulescript Code:
local tunnel = {}
tunnel.info = require(script.TunnelInfo)
tunnel.lastTurnDirection = nil
tunnel.splitterGenerated = false
tunnel.random = Random.new()
function tunnel.GetRandom(prevTunnel)
local PossibleTunnels = workspace.ConcreteTunnelRooms:GetChildren()
local randomTunnel = PossibleTunnels[tunnel.random:NextInteger(1, #PossibleTunnels)]
local direction = tunnel.info[randomTunnel.Name]["Direction"]
local hasMultipleExits = tunnel.info[randomTunnel.Name]["ExitAmount"]
if (prevTunnel.Name == randomTunnel.Name) or (direction and direction == tunnel.lastTurnDirection) then
return tunnel.GetRandom(prevTunnel)
elseif hasMultipleExits and tunnel.splitterGenerated == true then
return randomTunnel
function tunnel.Generate(prevTunnel)
local randomTunnel = tunnel.GetRandom(prevTunnel)
local newTunnel = randomTunnel:Clone()
newTunnel.PrimaryPart = newTunnel.Entrance
local exitamount = 0
for i, v in pairs(prevTunnel:GetChildren()) do
if prevTunnel.Parent == workspace.GeneratedConcreteTunnels then
if v.Name == "Exit" then
exitamount += 1
if exitamount == 2 then
tunnel.splitterGenerated = true
newTunnel.Parent = workspace.GeneratedConcreteTunnels
return newTunnel
return tunnel
Here is the ServerScript code:
local tunnel = require(script.TunnelModule)
local prevTunnel = workspace.GeneratedConcreteTunnels.ImportantParts
for i=1,10 do
prevTunnel = tunnel.Generate(prevTunnel)
if prevTunnel == workspace.ConcreteTunnelRooms.Splitter then
tunnel.splitterGenerated = true
And here is a small table inside of the ModuleScript:
local tunnelInfo = {
["LongStraight"] = {
["ShortStraight"] = {
["SlightLeftTurn"] = {
["Direction"] = "Left"
["SlightRightTurn"] = {
["Direction"] = "Right"
["Splitter"] = {
["ExitAmount"] = "Two"
return tunnelInfo
Here is the code hierarchy:
And here is how the tunnels generate with the script, as you can see it only generates 1 tunnel on 1 side.
I hope someone knows how to fix it because I used everything I know.