Hi, i struggled with fixing wheel bouncing. I tried changing elasticity to 0 and increasing the weight, i also tried chaning the cylinder to a ball but still bouncing .
This is a video of the suspension:
I think it’s because of terrain, try on another part, it still doesn’t seems a big trouble, since terrain is not perfect the size, try it on a part!
I’m pretty sure that it is the part properties of the wheels. Change the elasticity or friction up a notch. Otherwise, it could be the suspensions.
If it was the suspensions, part sizes also matter.
it works good on parts but i want it to run on terrain perfectly that’s for some offroading
thanks for your time.
You could add something like a bodyforce in each wheel that would push down. To prevent it flying into the sky, you could raycast under each wheel to see if there is any ground or other parts beneath the vehicle within a few studs.
In terms of why it is bouncing like that, I think it is just the Roblox physics being weird.
I’m only a year and like 6 months late on the reply but try multiplying the wheel AssemblyLinearVelocity by like 0.15, you can even do
local Vel = wheel.AssemblyLinearVelocity
local NewVelocity = Vector3.new(Vel.X, Vel.Y*0.15, Vel.Z)
wheel.AssemblyLinearVelocity = NewVelocity
But I don’t really know if there is a function to remove or change velocity on a certain axis, I just found it the best solution for me.
this literally reduced bumpyness alot, thank you so much, note that it made my cars alot worse when i added it directly to the wheels, so i had to add it to the object that holds my wheels, Thanks!