Hello! I have needed a custom mouse icon for my game and I have successfully achieved that but I realized when I hover my mouse over any UI it changes back. Here is my script:
local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
mouse.Icon = “4946828892”
I am not sure what the interact mouse is called. If you still don’t get what I mean put this in a local script in starter gui then make a random gui and when you press play (you wont see the mouse because the image is mine) but when you hover over the GUI the mouse returns to the black version.
local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse() mouse.Icon = " " -- Inside the " " you add the Id of the image you want to use as an icon
That should work, if you have any doubt or errors contact me on discord
I think he means this icon. Which cant be removed unless you make your own custom mouse pointer.
It’s not hard since you just get the current position of the mouse with Mouse.Position. Just assign an image label to ‘proxy’ the mouse and hide the current one with UserInputService.MouseEnabled = false
Wouldn’t using GuiObject.MouseEnter suffice? I don’t think getting the Mouse’s position is reliable as it could still be in the same position even if the GUI is hidden or no longer exists.
As far as Im looking you cant change it but you can make it invisible when its over a button.
so wait while I make a script.
PD: IT wont take too long.
I have finally solved half the issue! I couldn’t have done it without you! Thank you all a lot! I’d still like the script @ElPanlo! Thanks for doing this for me.