How can I get a reference to the maintable from within its metatable

im not good with metatables, so is there any way to get a reference to the main table within the metatable?

basically I want to store methods for the main table inside the metatable.
I want to do this because if I set the methods directly with function table:method, iterating over it returns the function and I don’t want that.

the function that creates the table:

function createVault(player: Player): Vault
    if not next(saveStructure) then warn(errorPrefix.." Save structure has not been set! Use DataVault:SetSaveStructure() to create one.") return nil end
    if table.find(vaults, player) then return 1 end
    vaults[player] = saveStructure
    local vault = vaults[player]
        vault = hs:JSONDecode(dss:GetDataStore("Data"):GetAsync("Player_"..player.UserId))
    setmetatable(vault, {
        --where the methods are to be stored

notes for this code:
this code is for a datastore module project im working on
Vault is a custom type annotation
vaults is a dictionary where index is a player object and value is the vault
if the player has a vault already, return 1 as a function detects if it is 1 and handles it
saveStructure is a table

function createVault(player: Player): Vault
    if not next(saveStructure) then 
        warn(errorPrefix.." Save structure has not been set! Use DataVault:SetSaveStructure() to create one.") 
        return nil 
    if table.find(vaults, player) then 
        return 1 
    vaults[player] = saveStructure
    local vault = vaults[player]
        vault = hs:JSONDecode(dss:GetDataStore("Data"):GetAsync("Player_"..player.UserId))
    local metatable = {
        -- Sample method
        sampleMethod = function(self)
            print("This is a method for ", self)
        -- Add more methods here

        -- The __index metamethod
        __index = function(tbl, key)
            -- If key is not found in main table, look it up in metatable
            return metatable[key]
    setmetatable(vault, metatable)
    return vault

Here’s how you can use the sampleMethod :

local vaultInstance = createVault(somePlayer)
vaultInstance:sampleMethod()  -- prints "This is a method for {contents of vaultInstance}"

a little change, the .__index should be outside the metatable since the metatable would be undefined when returning

other than that, it works! thank you


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