How can I get a user's description with Noblox?

I was making a verification system for a bot until I ran into a problem. Noblox.js doesn’t have a function to get a user’s description. If you don’t know what a description is, it’s your about.
Are there any ideas on how I can get the user’s description?

Thanks for reading.

why you need to use noblox.js? you can use (api is gone now), it has an api documentation

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I assume that they’re making a custom verification system

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Yes, that’s what we are doing until I found out noblox couldn’t get a user’s description/about

You could try using the official roblox api:

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Yeah I think that might work. Thanks a lot.

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Never used noblox.js, but have you tried the getPlayerInfo function?

Hey, as @hell_ish said, I ran some code and it worked. Code:

const noblox = require('noblox.js')
const token = process.env.token

async function startApp() {
  const information = await noblox.getPlayerInfo(170445088)




I found this random api and decided to use it and it worked.

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Alright, that might still be useful if you’re looking to use noblox.

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thanks, ill use it if I want an easier way of doing things

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That’s just a proxy; you could’ve used is just a proxy for in-game HTTP requests

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