How can I get classic graphics?

Hello, I am making a game with classic graphics in mind. What I’m trying to achieve is this:
What can I do to get my lighting AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE to this?
Any help will be appreciated thanks!


you want similiar shadows? or what, can you describe that?

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Basically, the basic flat colors with that low-quality pixel look. Not as vibrant as the graphics we use today.


low quality pixel are just small resolution, like 720 p, change brighness to 2 or 3, and use 60 60 60 or 80 80 80 ambient, with environment effect turned off, no sun rays, no bloom, no colorcorrection

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oh and also, u can change roughness, metal maps to a grey color

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oh and also, i will reccomend to turn off shadows, because new roblox shadows are not stencil ones, they will completly ruin whole atmosphere

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  • Change lighting technology to compatibility

Screenshot (18)

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Already did that thanks though!