How can I get my game popular?

I have no access to advertisements, with a budget of 4k robux, how can I boost my game’s popularity?

I have tried tons of things, and I will keep trying until I get at least 80 players per day.


Here are some ideas!

  • Create attention on Social Media platforms, like TikTok; These videos should be entertaining, have some sort of worth.
  • Promote you game by publishing advertisements on the website, this is quite costly though.
  • Create develops, process/updates, and maybe playthroughs of your game for people to get some understanding of your game, this will help for second hand opinions before official/final release.

NOTE :warning:

  • What significance does your game have? Why should I play your game instead of ‘another game’? (A game that’s like yours.)
  • Is it open and beginner friendly?
  • How long or on average would someone be playing this game on a daily/weekly basis? (Record Analytics)
  • Is it P2W? (Pay to Win)

This is like, the ultimate guide. I suggest using this.


I tested the game I will be brutally honest on why its not going to succeed.
First of all the gameplay is extremely boring. No matter what your marketing strat is this one factor will top it.
Secondly the game feels like a bunch of freemodels put together.

I recommend you to start over and make a new game


Good sponsor and ads (before got deleted ) arerent best option

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I 2nd what @Zoro10374 posted.

Truthfully, you are just not going to get players on this game for 2 reasons

  1. It’s just a Doors parody.
  2. It’s quality is not even on par with doors.

If you are going to try and beat them at their own game, the gameplay needs to have it’s only unique spin or gimmick, and needs to match or beat their quality.

I recommend starting over and coming up with an original concept or something more marketable.

A ton of people rated it 10/10, but I am actively working on making it more fun.
-reply to @Zoro10374

It is based on another game named rooms, @Kermitov . I suggest playing rooms. And check out the group wall, too.

replies for @jakeboygamer64 :
significance: Much more unique than others.
beginner friendly: Most likely.
session length: maybe an hour, until I make the B section.
It is NOT P2W.

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This is just a knockoff that that other game that is a copy of that one game that is like the game I saw that reminded me of the game I played while I was thinking this game is like that other game.

Sorry, but really.


Can people stop telling me it’s doors? It’s a freaking rooms fangame. Not all that doors crap.
Actually, It’s an RLD fangame

Which is what doors is based off of and is better known for, no matter which way you slice it, its a clone of doors.


so, you are saying that all of these are doors ripoffs that should be deleted for copyright?

(ignore doors)

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Idk where you got that idea from, Im saying you’re trying to compete with the “doors/rooms” genre with a clone that doesn’t even come close to its quality. im saying you’re out of your league and more than likely won’t find success pursuing this. Even if we disregard Doors all together, players just aren’t going to play the copy over the original.

Im telling you that you shouldn’t aim to replicate and copy, make a game with an original concept or gameplay loop. but if you really want to make a doors/rooms inspired game, it’s gameplay should still have a uniqueness to it the others don’t.


^ When did I mention I was trying to compete with the CRUEL IR fans, BABY RLD fans, or anyone else? I made this because it was a trend on the internet. I wanted to have fun continuing it, after RLD and IR closed up.

As I said, I will not give up.
So just atleast try to help. Stop criticizing, You are just going to start a rivalry. < grammar mistake
Please, either help or leave. I am not asking for genre definitions. I just want to make my favorite games into a better thing, okay?


Also, it is unique. I put a ton of effort into trying.
I made the entities have random times to despawn, unique mechanics, (A-40: distorts sound for 10 seconds, A-105: breaks lockers early, sometimes rebounds)


Summary: Please stop relating my game to Doors, it is completely unrelated. And stop insulting me, too.

You asked how to get the game popular, I told you that you probably can’t since it’s too similar to a pre-existing game with very little separating yourself from the rest, If you cant accept that answer, then don’t listen to it, prove me wrong instead. Also when your asking how to make your game popular, criticism is bound to come your way, take the negative criticism on the chin and move on, taking it personally does no good.

Regardless if you were trying to compete with Doors or rooms, you ARE competing with them, whether you like it or not, thats just how the video game market works. you have a better chance at succeeding when you create a product that is distinguishable from similar products that came before you, Thats part of the reason why Pressure was as successful as it was while competing with Doors.

I’m not trying to discredit the uniqueness you have put in, however , what if additional quirks and behaviors to the entities isn’t enough to keep the players you want interested ? Think bigger and better, don’t confine yourself to the same features of others.

Doors is also related since Rooms was the game Doors was based off of, the game you are replicating. the reason thats important is because I’m telling you that from a player’s perspective, they are going to looks at this and wonder why they would play this over the original, which is exactly why i bring up uniqueness over and over, players don’t want the exact same thing given to them over and over.

(ok my turn now listen to this while reading

Truthfully i am trying to help you, even if it doesn’t feel that way. It wouldn’t do you any good if I were to sit here and lie to you and say “Just improve your marketing, make your game as easy to discover as possible”, because I don’t see that being your primary issue right now. (though that is generally a good habit for marketing).

Like I said before, Even if the criticism is negative most people are just trying to give you their perspective, which is still worth listening to, especially when its still constructive criticism (which is what i’ve been aiming to give you this whole time). You don’t have to like it, you don’t even have to agree with it, but you posted a topic in creations feedback, and feedback is what you were given.


Anybody who’s ever said being 100% original is easy is a liar, I think it helps to think of a few gameplay mechanics that you like and mesh them together somehow to create something new or hasn’t been done in the genre you’re aiming for.

(Random example, old idea i’ve had for a while and never got around to so feel free to steal if you’d like, I enjoy skill based movement tech/mechanics, I also like Melee Combat systems, and also like Build Creators, so I’ve had this idea for a PVP game where your melee damage is directly tied to your velocity, and instead of being incentivized to just learn the combat, you’re also incentivized to learn the movement tech)

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^ Not really something I would enjoy doing. I HATE pvp, as it is rage enducing enough for me.

Any ideas for how I can make it more interesting?

I agree with it. This game will be a competitor to doors and that is fixed. In my opinion, you should add unique selling points to your game. For instance, Im currently developing game that is like flee the facility. Flee the facility is more survivor orientated, so my game will be more beast orientated. Another thing is that flee the facility is outdated in everything. Therefore my game will include new features that wasn’t available in 2015 or something. Kind of like this make your game special if you want to succeed

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Should I do something like Rooms: Multiplayer, Remake? (Basically you can play AS the entity, and troll the players.)

Also check out the new spawner update, it’s in Checkpoints! (READ THE DESCRIPTION FOR CMDS)

How did Rhozidites don’t have access to Advertisements?
I have access but i didn’t make an add for this.