As you can see by the title I’m to increase my education In luau, after I had some help on a script, it made me realize how much more I can learn and create better games. Other thing Ide like to mention is my level of knowledge, I would specify myself to be an intermediate scripter. If you guys can give me any tips on how I can get myself on the more advance side of ROBLOX luau scripring that would be amazing, much thanks.
I’d start by reading through all of the articles here.
look at other developers scripts and see how they compare to yours
you can learn a lot by seeing what the best devs do
Most top tier devs on roblox use Frameworks that are hard to understand by developers who are not familiar with it.
I had the same line of thought however I quickly realized there is just luau and we all already use it.
Learning how to use luau (in context to Roblox, not independently luau) will improve your workflow.
An example would be learning how to use typeof()
. It has increased my workflow and helped me create defined outcomes. Also take a look at the libraries Roblox offers. The following libraries are said to be optimized so they could be more performant than before.
os library
→ os.clock() is superior to tick() as it is far more accurate
→ can help you set up universal time scripts.
This library provides an immense amount of useful tools to inspect manipulate strings.
This library provides an immense amount of useful tools to inspect manipulate tables.
I have seen other peoples scripts from money making studios. There are many ways to go at making ideas a reality though at the end of the day a framework should be both understandable and readable. Cosmetic additions enlarge the possibility for being less performant.