How can I get recently released items using Roblox's API?

Hey! I am trying to make a game that gets recently released items and prints them into output. The only thing is though, is that I cannot find the right API for that job. I assumed it was in this webpage of API’s, but I can’t find it there. I tried using the following API:

but I assume I didn’t have access or something else went wrong. Keep in mind I am sending these HTTP requests from Roblox. Here is the following code I used:

local http = game:GetService("HttpService") -- might be spelt wrong
local url = ""

local data = {
  ["items"] = {
      ["itemType"] = 11, -- the type of catalog thing; i chose acessory
      ["id"] = 12992891681 -- random ugc item i found

local finalData = http:JSONEncode(data)
http:PostAsnyc(url, finalData)

I apologize if I mispelt anything; I hand re-wrote the code

I assumed it would return something, but it didn’t.

  1. Is there any errors in the output?

  2. Use HttpService:RequestAsync(), like this

local http = game:GetService("HttpService")

   URL = "",
   Method = "POST",
   Headers = {
      ["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
   Body = http:JSONEncode({
   ["items"] = {
            ["itemType"] = 11,
            ["id"] = 12992891681

Valid “itemType” is 1 for Assets or 2 for Bundles.
Use “itemType” of 1 and it will return a correct response.

12 months late is crazy :rofl:

char limit ah

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:sweat_smile: If it shows up on google search - I shall necro, in case others have the same problem

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That is an old reply, I think you should private message @GameInspectors instead of replying to an old post

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