How can I get the appearance of a terminated user?

Hello, if there’s anything wrong with this post tell me!

I recently created a model which I mentioned in this topic. The script worked with terminated accounts like 1x1x1x1 before, but after some days, the script suddenly stopped working with those and responds with HTTP 400.
I recently played a game called Beat up simulator which changes a dummy’s appearance through usernames. That game worked with terminated accounts but after I encountered this issue that game wasn’t working with those too.
The thumbnail of the terminated user can still be obtained though.

I tried both of these methods but they failed:


I tried also the Avatar API but it failed too.

Is this sudden change intentional?
Are there any other ways to get a terminated user’s appearance?

Any help will be appreciated.


I recommend trying to use a character load in plugin such as the one with moon animator since you can still get the ids from the terminated page

I tried 2 plugins including Moon Animator but they both failed.

If you remember what items they were wearing you could rebuild them using a rig

The problem is that the character that will spawn will be written by a player.

Maybe roblox made a update to prevent people who have actually done bad things being recognized since it’s bad publicity

1X1X1X1 isn’t a problem
But someone like cherrypaw is

You cant. Thats it. I think almost all API’s that take in a UserId will error if you pass the UserId of a deleted user. See Jull4ian’s post

To note, Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId() uses{userId}&placeId={placeId}, while Players:GetCharacterAppearanceInfoAsync() uses{userId}/avatar. To bypass the restriction, you can use the legacy avatar-fetch endpoint:{userId}&placeId={placeId} (although you’d likely have to use a proxy to send requests to it in gameservers, you probably already know that)


Oh, so I have to put the UserId in its parameter but what about the placeId?
Also, when I tried to insert only the userId parameter (I used 1 for ROBLOX), it gave me a table named accessoryVersionIds, what does that mean?
I tried searching the IDs in that table on the Roblox website but it gave me things the user wasn’t wearing at all.