How can I get the entry code of a google spread sheet

Hello, so I’m making a thing that logs every time a player joins using google spread sheets. I’m following this tutorial: Using HttpService with Google Sheets
The one problem is I can’t seem to get the entry code. I’ve gone to the source code and did ctrl + f and cant find “entry.”. This is my script.

local hs = game:GetService("HttpService")

local hsEntry1 = "4"
local hsEntry2 = "4"
local hsKey    = "1FAIpQLScsF9dfTwlhZXS3JdrRZI4BgfBsXqFcG5Js6sjFH3fO5zdRNg"
local hsForm   = "1mjjDx8XVIgDRohAVLGMPmcKY_TcLPPeiptgEkrTW1uk"
local hsHost   = ""

local function logSheet(var1, var2, Content)
	local hsLink   = hsHost.."forms/d/"..hsForm.."/formResponse?entry."
	-- Upload onto Google Sheets!
	-- print(hsLink)
	hs:PostAsync(hsLink, Content , 2)
logSheet(hsEntry1, hsEntry2, Player.Name)


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