How can I get the gamepasses which a player owns?

Hello, I’m currently attempting to create a system which requires being able to see all the game passes which a user owns inside of their inventory; however, I am unsure how I can achieve this.

I have previously created a system; however, it was only able to detect the first 100 gamepasses in a user’s inventory and when searching the developer forums, I have been unable to find any useful posts or replies.

If anyone is aware on how I can achieve my goal then please let me know :slight_smile:

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Ok so if there is more than 100 things then it will respond with a nextPageCursor in the table so if you now save that in a variable and include &cursor="VariableForNextP at the end of your url it will get the next 100. You can repeat this as many times as you need or until the nextPageCursor is nil