How can i get the id of an auto-generated icon/thumbnail?

How can i get the id of an auto-generated icon/thumbnail? I need to use it on a ImageLabel object for a server browser system.

I know i can use “” to get the image of a place, but i don’t know how to get the auto generated one.

The auto-generated one?
A simple google search brings up a few.

Plus I think you can just right click and save image on a place that has an auto-generated thumbnail, if I’m understanding what you’re saying exactly.

Sorry, i wasn’t specific enough on my question. I’m making a server browser that works with CreatePlace instances (places made with the Create Place API) and i need to get the auto-generated image of every place to put them as a preview for every server in the server browser. The problem is i don’t know how to get them, but i know it’s possible because i’ve seen it in some games that work with server browsers.

These auto-generated images are useful for server browsers because they give an almost-live preview of the server the player wants to join.

Auto-generated images/previews i want to get in my server browser:

EDIT: btw, i can’t just right click and save every image for 2 reasons:
1- I need to get +100 auto-generated images so it would be really time consuming.
2- I need to get the actual auto-generated image id, not a static image (because I need the servers previews to show the current version of the place, not an old one i downloaded).