How can I get this model to face the way I intend?

I have a script to duplicate a tycoon model, and move it to parts that are numbered the same way. The code for it is down below. Anyways, the rotation is the wrong way, and it’s not the way I’d want to do it. I know one possible solution, which would be to try all orientations for every model, and see what gets a certain other part closest, but that wouldn’t really work that well.


What I want to happen:

The code:

for x = 1, NUMBER_OF_TYCOONS, 1 do
	local tycoonClone = game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild("TycoonToClone"):Clone()
	tycoonClone.Name = "Tycoon" .. x
	print(tycoonPlacement["Tycoon" .. x].Position)
	tycoonClone.Parent = map.Tycoons
	tycoonClone:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(["Tycoon" .. x].Position))

I basically need one side of the part from the tycoon and one side of the spawn area’s place where it tells it to spawn to be closest to each other.

EDIT: I’m not asking for specific code btw, just a function or something like that to get it lined up correctly

Can’t You just select the model < Transform and try changing things from there?

The point is, I only want to edit one, and have it be duplicated when the game starts.