How can I have a SufaceGUI display a camera?

I have a screen in a control room I’d like to display a view of another area as if it is a security camera. I’m not sure how to do this, as I’ve looked it up and everything seems to point to using a ViewPort but I have no experiece with one and the threads I’ve read on it seem to indicate there are a lot of issues with using a ViewPort.

You basically can’t which is very sad and unfortunate. (Roblox please add)

The best you can do is try to recreate the rooms in a ViewportFrame, but it won’t look as good because there is not proper engine lighting in ViewportFrames

Dang that really sucks. Roblox needs to add this.

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Yes they really do, it would allow us to make proper mirrors, cameras, scopes, a million different things. The main reason I think they didn’t add it is because it can run in an infinite loop if cameras are facing each other kind of like an infinite mirror, still they should add some constraints or something to make it work.

P.S. This is what Jailbreak did with ViewportFrames for their security cameras

Also suggestion:

You can have the players camera fully zoom into the security camera that way you can use the real camera and then put like a ScreenGui border around it as if it was a computer monitor.

But no, you wouldn’t be able to both have the players default camera and a security camera on a monitor at the same time.