How can I have this EVIL PUMPKIN chase around players in a maze? (PATHFINDER?)

Hiya yall so I am NOT A SCRIPTER at all which is why I am making this post.

I know their are YT videos on how to create an AI k*ller with path finding but that requires a humanoid. The pumpkin model I have is below

Its literally grouped as a model but I was wondering if it’s possible do even create a path find and have this k*ll the players when they touch it or when the pumpkin touches them.

Any tips would help. I’d appreciate any type of little help :smiley: TY

I totally forgot the mention the point of the game is to basically complete mazes while this pumpkin is chasing you. I am going to have multiple pumpkins too & I did get inspiration from “Escape Running Head” game on roblox

I don’t see any problem with having a humanoid in your pumpkin; just add it. As for path finding, there is a module called SimplePath which is an OP path finding module which I think you’ll like. Everything is scripted for you