How can I hide the backpack?

Greetings developers,

I’m wanting to hide the default backpack, while still allowing the player to equip the tools in it. I am also wanting to not allow the player to not have anything equipped. How can I do this, and is there an easy way to make a custom tool that works the same but isn’t in a tool?

The line StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Backpack, false) would do the trick, which disables the default backpack. After that, to disallow players from equipping anything, I think there’s some other topics that described this before:

Also creating a whole custom backpack system is quite a stretch. I think I’ll leave you to attempt this before further assistance.

Hello @BriefYayyayyay! I can’t help you about the custom backpack system, but I can help you with how to close the backpack! I made a script that closes the backpack, here it is:
Make sure to add it to the StarterGui
game.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Backpack, false)

If my answer was helpful, do not forget to make it as the solution! :happy1: