How can I implement the new __iter function to my proxy table?

I have this proxify function which allows me to track changes made to my table.

local function proxify(tbl: {any})
	local proxy = newproxy(true)
	local meta = getmetatable(proxy)

	meta.__index = function(self, key)
		local idx = tbl[key]
		if idx and type(idx) == "table" then
			idx = proxify(idx)
		return idx

	meta.__newindex = function(self, key, newValue)
		if tbl[key] ~= newValue then
			tbl[key] = newValue

	return proxy

However if I try to iterate through it via for loop or table function, it will throw an error.

local myTbl = proxify({
	items = {
		1, 2, 3, 4, 5

for _, item in myTbl.items do --> Expected output: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


That is because the table is no longer just a regular table but a userdata object that acts like a table and allows for tracking changes, etc.

Because the table is now a userdata object, it doesn’t have the _iter functionality, and therefore it has to be implemented manually, how can I do that? As of right now I only know this example.

metatable.__iter = function(o)
	return generator, state, index

Source: Syntax - Luau

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Assuming I understand your question correctly, you’d want to do:

metatable.__iter = function()
   return next, tbl.items

Yes, but how would I implement it? I am just really confused on what generator, state is, and where I suppose to put that function.

If I could, I would have released a module that has complete support of proxies (All services are changed etc…) Sadly it isn’t done yet! I would tell you how to implement it, but it requires you to replace every service for a natural implementation.

If you still wish to learn how I did it then tell me

What do you mean by that?

Yes, I wish to learn, that is the whole point of my post. I just want to be able to iterate through my userdata object like a regular table.

The reason behind me needing a proxy is to track changes so that I can replicate them to client through my module, which I already did make but now I am running into a problem with built-in functions which fail to work on userdata object.

From the example, I believe the generator is a function that behaves similarly to the next function.

Essentially, it’s a function that you use in order to return a key and value for the loop to receive.

state is the table being iterated itself and index is the current key the loop is on, or the current key that’s being seen by the generator function

Like this?

local function customNext()
	local key = index + 1
	local value = obj[key]
	return key, value

Can you elaborate more on this?


What I meant by this is state is the table that’s currently being iterated over, like in your proxy example, state would be items table

So how would I go about implementing the ability to iterate through my userdata object?

local myTbl = proxify({
	items = {
		1, 2, 3, 4, 5

for _, item in myTbl.items do
--> Expected output: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Where would I put my __iter function to begin with? Do I make a function like the pairs one?

for key, value in customPairs(myTbl.items) do
	print(key, value)

Apologizes for my lack of knowledge in this area, I didn’t really have any need for metatables and userdata objects until now.

After running a test utilize the code you provided, now I fully see your issue.

What I came up with is doing this inside the proxify function:

meta.__iter = function()
  return next, tbl

This would iterate over the table that was provided to the function

I’m not sure if utilizing the tbl parameter would be valid for your use case, but it’s the easiest workaround for custom iterating I came up with since iterating over a newproxy isn’t possible


Unfortunately when I do this, I get this.

local tbl = proxify({
	Timer = 0,
	Name = "",
	Modes = {
		Easy = {},
		Normal = {},
		Hard = {},
		Insane = {}

for key, value in tbl.Modes do
	print(key, value) --> Timer, 0

It appears that it’s getting data from the root point of the table. I am pretty sure that we need to use key (in the __iter function) to get the right table, as nested tables don’t work.

Hello, I have separated that portion into a model. I will try to be as clear as I can.

What my module does is it will transform proxies, so they look like normal tables. You can use every single service with it and even extend datatypes! You will find a script called ‘Example’.

(We use getfenv() so that it updates the services)

local Proxy = require(script.Parent.Proxy)(getfenv());
--By sending the enviroment we have updated all the services

local myProxy =;

The script above creates a proxy.

So now let’s add a metatable! My module adds a custom meta function called “__updated”. This one will fire every time the index already exists but is updated.

local myMetatable = {
	__newindex = function(self,k,v)
		print("This will fire every new index.");
		print("The key is", k, "\nAnd the value is", v);
		print("-----") --Just a break so that the output is separated neatly
	__updated = function(self,k,v)
		print("This will fire every index that exists and is updated")
		print("The key is", k, "\nAnd the value is", v);
		print("-----") --Just a break so that the output is separated neatly
	__index = function(self,k)
		print("This will fire every index")
		print("The key is", k);
		print("-----") --Just a break so that the output is separated neatly
		return "nice"; --since we return nice then all the indexes will return nice

setmetatable(myProxy, myMetatable);

Done. Now you can use pairs, ipairs, rawset, rawget and all of those to act as normal. There is also an extra function that is extending datatypes

Did you ever wish you could extend Color3 so it has more properties? Me neither. But this module let’s you do that.

If you wish to merge different datatypes now you can!! can take multiple tables at once.

local mySpecialProxy =, {}); --Since Color3 is passed in first then it will become the
-- main table *Look bellow for the unary operator*

warn("--Special proxy--");
mySpecialProxy.Nice = true; -- Nice is a new value so it will put it in the table
mySpecialProxy.R = 255; -- R already exists so it will modify that value

local myPart ="Part");

--myPart.Color = mySpecialProxy; // Oh no! This errored, this is because the proxy is still a table

--If you wish to get the color itself you can use the unary operator

myPart.Color = -mySpecialProxy; --This works

You can also extend as many datatypes as you wish

--// You can also do this
warn("--Extra Special proxy--");
local myExtraSpecialProxy =,, {});

print(myExtraSpecialProxy.Position); --Prints the Position
print(myExtraSpecialProxy.R); --Prints R
print(-myExtraSpecialProxy); -- Prints the Color3

Example.rbxm (6.4 KB)

But mainly you literally only do this:

local myTbl ={
	items = {
		1, 2, 3, 4, 5

for _, item in myTbl.items do --> Expected output: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Strange, when I run the code on Demo - Luau, I get the tables as results:

local function proxify(tbl: {any})
	local proxy = newproxy(true)
	local meta = getmetatable(proxy)

	meta.__index = function(self, key)
		local idx = tbl[key]
		if idx and type(idx) == "table" then
			idx = proxify(idx)
		return idx

	meta.__newindex = function(self, key, newValue)
		if tbl[key] ~= newValue then
			tbl[key] = newValue
	meta.__iter = function()
		return next, tbl

	return proxy

local tbl = proxify({
	Timer = 0,
	Name = "",
	Modes = {
		Easy = {},
		Normal = {},
		Hard = {},
		Insane = {}

for key, value in tbl.Modes do
	print(key, value)

There might be an issue between the site and the Roblox engine, but I can’t see for sure until I get access to my computer again tomorrow

My fault! I had put the wrong table into the __iter function. But now I am facing the issue when attempting to use table.insert function on the tbl.


It looks like the tbl is returning userdata which table function can’t handle, how would I go about fixing this issue? I suppose it has to do with __index?

Thank you, I will look into your module later, but it sounds great already.


A temporary workaround I did was creating another table inside the proxify function and detecting when a key from that table is being indexed inside tbl and returning the value associated with the key:

local function proxify(tbl: {any})
	local proxy = newproxy(true)
	local meta = getmetatable(proxy)
	local internalMethods = {
        insert = function(key, value)
			table.insert(tbl, (key or (#tbl + 1)), value)

	meta.__index = function(self, key)
		local idx = tbl[key] or internalMethods[key]
		if idx and type(idx) == "table" then
			idx = proxify(idx)
		return idx

	meta.__newindex = function(self, key, newValue)
		if tbl[key] ~= newValue then
			tbl[key] = newValue
	meta.__iter = function()
		return next, tbl

	return proxy

local tbl = proxify({
	Timer = 0,
	Name = "",
	Modes = {
		Easy = {},
		Normal = {},
		Hard = {},
		Insane = {}

tbl.insert(nil, "test")
print(tbl[1]) --> Should print "test"

for key, value in tbl.Modes do
	print(key, value)

There’s probably a much more cleaner way of going about this

Is it possible to detect when table function is accessing the contents of the table?

Another thing is that in the proxy you can see another 2 functions:

  1. pmappend. Will append the main table and push the last main table:
local Proxy = require(script.Parent.Proxy)(getfenv());
--By sending the enviroment we have updated all the proxies

local myProxy =;

print(-myProxy); --Prints the CFrame

print(-myProxy); --Prints the Color
  1. pappend. This appends new tables. So you can do:
local Proxy = require(script.Parent.Proxy)(getfenv());
--By sending the enviroment we have updated all the proxies

local myProxy =;


print(myProxy.R); --Prints since we appended Color3

If I remember correctly, problem with getfenv is that it disables Lua optimizations and I would not want that to happen.

Source: Warnings for getfenv/setfenv that their use disables Luau optimisations

Sorry, I don’t I’m fully understanding, can you elaborate? Are you asking is there a way to dynamically connect the functions for the table global, to the proxy table? If so, I believe there is