How can I Import a Build to Cinema4D to Render?
I have been finding many problems importing builds as when I merge it into Cinema 4D, many parts and Items do not load or are not there.
What can I do?
What I use?
I use Cinema 4D R16.
Some Images of how it looks…
Around the map are trees, but they did not load.
Did you select all and export or export the game?
Yes, I selected everything then saved it as a .OBJ
Perhaps export Workspace instead of selecting everything, as you could be missing parts.
February 26, 2019, 6:32pm
Can you describe what actually happens when you import into Roblox?
He’s talking about the other way around, from studio into C4D.
So, some items / Parts do not load… or come in like around the map are scattered trees but they did not load in.
Like I said, try exporting workspace and see if everything loads.
February 26, 2019, 6:49pm
Not sure if you have access to bug categories but this is a known bug with exporting:
Currently when you try to export a union or meshpart it will require you to perform the export action 2 times before a file is created or overwritten.
If you export 1 meshpart or union as a new file or overwrite a file, the new file won’t be created and the overwritten file will be unchanged. But the next time you export the same union or meshpart it will be saved (whether you overwrite or create a new file)
if you export a model that has both unions/meshparts and other baseparts, then only th…
You have to export it twice (at least?) to make sure everything makes it into the file as a work around until engineers find the solution.
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This is a different issue, he was struggling to get it from Studio into C4D without missing parts. Was not an issue of the file not showing, instead an issue of not having exported it all (which was why some of the trees were missing.)
From another discussion I’ve had (Export to OBJ partially fails for MeshPart and UnionOperation - #5 by Xan_TheDragon ), we found that you have to export by classTypes. So you have to export Parts, Meshes, Unions, etc., one by one. Not sure if that’s what’s causing this, but it’s worth a shot
I will try that too, Thank you!