MeshParts and unions require you to export them 2 times before they actually get exported

Currently when you try to export a union or meshpart it will require you to perform the export action 2 times before a file is created or overwritten.

  • If you export 1 meshpart or union as a new file or overwrite a file, the new file won’t be created and the overwritten file will be unchanged. But the next time you export the same union or meshpart it will be saved (whether you overwrite or create a new file)
  • if you export a model that has both unions/meshparts and other baseparts, then only the baseparts will be exported the first time. You will have to export the same model again for everything to be included.

The only exception to this is unions that were unioned in the same studio session that you exported from, those unions will be exported on the first try.

This has been happening for as long as I can remember, I just haven’t brought myself to make a bug report about it until now. There is another thread similar to this, Export selection doesn't export meshparts, but I wanted to make a new bug report with some extra information about the issue.


I have a whole laundry list of issues that the export tool has developed in the past year. Most of them have been reported multiple times but i haven’t seen any of them fixed. I still have to use an older version of Studio to avoid these issues, and it’s slowly starting to get too outdated. I really hope they work on it sometime in the future, because without a proper obj exporter i can’t do my job.