How can I import a bundle into my game?

I have been trying to import the bundle T-Rex Skeleton - Roblox into my game. Does anyone know how I would go about doing this? I am assuming it would not work if I try to enter the bundle ID into an asset inserter and do it that way.


Firstly I’ve been thinking about InsertService, but then I found out that it’s not possible to import bundles like this. Then I headed right to the bundle in Roblox avatar store and thanks to the extension called BTRoblox I found out it is just a mesh with some Values inside. This is the mesh. This is the texture.

I hope this helped!

local AssetService = game:GetService("AssetService")
local InsertService = game:GetService("InsertService")
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

local ID = 458
local MAX_TRIES = 5

local getBundleDetailsAsync = AssetService.GetBundleDetailsAsync
local loadAsset = InsertService.LoadAsset

local function getAssets(service, funct, id)
    local success, result, tries = false, nil, 0
        tries += 1
        success, result = pcall(funct, service, id)
    until success or tries == MAX_TRIES
    return success, result

local function getBodyParts(id)
    local success, bundleDetails = getAssets(AssetService, getBundleDetailsAsync, id)
    if not success then
        return false
    local bundleName = bundleDetails.Name
    local bodyParts = {}
    for i, itemInfo in ipairs(bundleDetails.Items) do
        if itemInfo.Type == "Asset" and itemInfo.Name:match(bundleName) then
            local success, bodyPart = getAssets(InsertService, loadAsset, itemInfo["Id number"])
            if not success then
                return false
            bodyParts[#bodyParts+1] = bodypart
    return true, bodyparts

local success, bodyPartArray = getBodyParts(ID)
if success then
    -- do something with the bodyparts

So I cant do this without inserting the body parts 1 by 1?

Well, I’m not sure but I don’t know a way to do so.

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Here’s a plugin made by Stickmasterluke for importing bundles and loading them onto characters

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This plugin doesn’t put the accessories/hats from the bundles onto the character that you selected. Anyone know a fix for this?

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This can be easily fixed by using the AvatarEditorService. It allows you to get information on roblox assets, bundles, etc.

I’ve made my own bundle importer with this but it’s not perfected. My best advice would be to turn towards a plugin, or a game that allows you to export bundles, ex Catalog Avatar Creator - Roblox

@Awokein the AES can help you, it allows you to get all information on a bundles assets so you can import them automatically without having to source them manually from the site.

Both are 404’s for me. Seems like the info didn’t last 4 years…

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