How can I improve a forested area by using Meshes?

I currently have a forest, But it kinda looks dull, I was planning on adding grasses and flowers, but is there anything else that I can add to make have more pop?


It doesn’t really look like a forest to begin with since there’s isn’t many trees there. I suggest you spam those trees a little more.


Alrighty, thanks for the heads up! Ill send updated photos when I add a bit more. <3

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I improved it a bit, I still have to add flowers/grasses and some logs, What else could I add?

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I suggest you add a bit more rocks and soil patches, just to add in the feeling of a forest.(Perhaps you could add some water puddles as well.) Other from that, there isn’t much left to add. Incredible job :+1:


Bring the overall brightness of the scene down. Forests usually aren’t this bright as they are covered thick with trees. The ground color itself is far too bright as well.

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I see what you mean, but the color for this game is more bright, I will tone it down a bit(red) but for the most part the rest of the map is needed a bit bright for in towns, etc. But thanks for the advice!

A wavy trail should be a good way to help fill empty space. Perhaps a lake and bridge cutting the trail in half depending on how large the area is.

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Looks really good!!


1.Add some tall trees to. Fill in those empty area’s I would suggest you add some, More grass, flowers and some logs around the map fill in those empty spaces!!

2.Add some lakes. And little bushes by the trees and around the map. Plus you could add more broken branches on the ground!!

That’s all keep up the good work.

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Benches could definitely help as well as adding in a path to tie it together


I suggest to add more trees to make it look like a real forest. Also some bush and rocks would make it more realistic.
Also some grasses would be awsome.

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Forests are notoriously difficult to balance between “forest looking” and performance-friendly. If this is for a game, you should probably lean towards the latter. If it’s for a showcase, then the former.

I made a thread on Twitter about designing for flat shading that you can read here - though granted this is for a lobby (the player mostly socializes here, then teleports to the round), and thus I had a lot of room to kind of go all-out on the design:

Another method that I’ve found that I personally like is to clump your trees to give some “breathing room” for the player. It also provides a good balance in quantity and is fairly good on performance:

This method is better for smooth terrain but is still applicable to much of anything. You can see the major clumps in red, and minor clumps (more of a filler) in yellow.