How can I improve my Build

Heres some suggestions: Add wooden material to the door, change the roof to some other material, done have it just as a block, add different shapes, add a handle to the door and last but not least add windows!

the door goes ALL the way up and is mostly shapeless, the roof is bland and its all the same material

It’s kind of plain and flat, try adding more detail and depth, a great way to create depth is to add things such as trim and borders around doors and windows, as well as adding foliage such as bushes or potted plants to the exterior.


Try making the walls and the roof different materials as well to give the build more contrast

I meant to says what I sayed. I sayed:

In the way that he should create his own physical brick blocks, as I did in the image I showed previously (or photo if you prefer)

So I don’t repeat : “Yes do physical brick blocks” since I already told it a few time.

aaahh, gotcha boss, thought you meant materials

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