Robbery system:
First you trigger a part (proximity prompt)
In Serverstorage: 2 values change:
InProgress = true
andByWho = playerObject
A Remote-Function invokes the client:
the client first has a textlabel, wich counts from 10 to 0 on the players screen,
if its finished, it will return true. -
Now it returned true because the counting is over, robbery will now end on the server
The System works.
Server Script:
- Start robbery
- Send a request to client to count down from 10 to 0 on GUI
- Client counts in gui from 10 to 0
- If client finished counting, return true (robbery is now over)
- Now in the server, end the robbery
-- // Variables
local triggerPart = workspace.TriggerPart
local prox = triggerPart.ProximityPrompt
local inProgress = game:GetService("ServerStorage").BankRobbery.InProgress
local byWho = game:GetService("ServerStorage").BankRobbery.ByWho
local event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RemoteFunctions.BankRobbery.ShowText
-- // Main Function
local cash = plr:FindFirstChild("leaderstats"):FindFirstChild("Cash")
if inProgress.Value == false then
inProgress.Value = true -- Robbery is now in progress
byWho.Value = plr -- Show the name of player who is robbing
local finished = event:InvokeClient(plr) -- Send request to client
if finished then -- If the robbery is over then
-- End Robbery:
inProgress.Value = false
byWho.Value = nil
cash.Value += 100 -- Give the Player a Bonus
print(plr.Name.. " Successfully robbed a bank!")
**Client Script: **
- If function gets invoked, do this:
- Set progressText to visible
- The Textlabel will count from 10 to 0
- Set progressText to not visible
- Return true (The server knows that the counting is over)
local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local char = plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local hum = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local plrGui = plr.PlayerGui
local progressText = plrGui:WaitForChild("BankRobberyGui"):WaitForChild("ProgressText")
local event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RemoteFunctions.BankRobbery.ShowText
event.OnClientInvoke = function()
progressText.Visible = true
for i = 10, 0, -1 do
progressText.Text = "Robbery in progress... " .. i
progressText.Visible = false
return true
I would greatly appreciate it if an experienced scripter could review this code and provide feedback on how I can improve it.