I am in the process of making a gambling game (using in-game currency, not Robux) and I made a DisclaimerGUI to keep people (mainly kids) aware of the risks and I want to know how I could improve this.
I am in the process of making a gambling game (using in-game currency, not Robux) and I made a DisclaimerGUI to keep people (mainly kids) aware of the risks and I want to know how I could improve this.
i suggests you can set a warning level
How would I make a warning level for gambling? Aren’t those usually used for like natural disasters and stuff?
Maybe make a countdown until you can click the button so people just don’t click, “I UNDERSTAND” as soon as they join and actually read the disclaimer.
That’s a good idea, I was actually thinking of making it so they have to read it.
You can’t make a fully gambling game in the first place. It’s against TOS.
From what I’ve heard you are allowed games where you gamble as long as no real currencies like Robux are used.
Edit: This is in the Illegal and Regulated Activities section on the Terms of Service