How can I improve my DisclaimerGUI?

I am in the process of making a gambling game (using in-game currency, not Robux) and I made a DisclaimerGUI to keep people (mainly kids) aware of the risks and I want to know how I could improve this.


i suggests you can set a warning level

How would I make a warning level for gambling? Aren’t those usually used for like natural disasters and stuff?

Maybe make a countdown until you can click the button so people just don’t click, “I UNDERSTAND” as soon as they join and actually read the disclaimer.


That’s a good idea, I was actually thinking of making it so they have to read it.

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You can’t make a fully gambling game in the first place. It’s against TOS.

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From what I’ve heard you are allowed games where you gamble as long as no real currencies like Robux are used.

Edit: This is in the Illegal and Regulated Activities section on the Terms of Service

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