How can I improve my game?

I have a game based on the famous OI OI OI meme. Since its release, I’ve been advertising the game for 5,000 Robux, and in the first two weeks, it received 4,500 visits with an average of 100 visits per day. The average session time is only 5 minutes, but some players played up to 30 minutes in one session, which is pretty good. The retention rate of players during the day is 10%, but for 7 days - 0%

I’d like to hear your thoughts on how to improve the game to keep the average number of minutes and 7-day retention high.

Here is it: Survive Red Larva In Area 51 - Roblox

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This goes into diffrent category.

This is a free model game copy-pasta. This is normal that the play rate is low.

If you wish to improve it, create your own map, models, scripts, etc. make something original.

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No, most of the models you see are made by me, except for the layout of Area 51. Many scripts are also programmed by me in particular NPC Behavior. I would like to improve only the gameplay adding something specific to it.

There exists at least thousands of area 51 games with exact same map. It clearly gives off low quality vibe to new players since there multiple copies of your game exists.

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Well, if necessary, I can change the map. Now I’m expanding it, making it more diverse so that it’s fun to explore the game world. However, this is not the point now. The gameplay is important now. How to improve the Core Loop, that is, the main loop in which the player will be placed? What mechanics should I add to keep the player in the game as best as possible?