How can I improve my map?

Hello! I am currently working on a blocky-style platformer/obby. I need to design 9 maps but I need to get one right so I know what to do for all the rest. One problem, im designing for the earth map but sometimes looks really off. I was inspired by a 3d platformer called “Rise of Fox Hero”. I wanted a similar map but more blocky.

Picture of Rise of Fox Hero

Heres what I could do (nothing is functional atm):

My attempt

Any tips or ideas would be appreciated!

Add more vibrant and lush colors and use different color combinations to give more detail (the free model crate is just one color make it multiple colors to make it loom more realistic.)

Game looks too bright it hurts my eyes so take the brightness down a notch.

The fencing looks low-quality so I would fix that

Other than that I don’t know

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Thanks! Yeah the create is a free model since I didnt see a point of going in blender for something that simple (im not good at modelling so it would take me longer then needed anyway lol). Ill put the brightness down and improve the fences, thanks for the feedback, ill reply with the updgrades once I add them tomorrow.

If the crate does look too bad though I will remodel it since you being able to break them for power-ups such as speed are going to be a feature in the game.

This map looks great so far! Nice recreation!

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Alright, I changed up some stuff, does anything else look off?

i mean sure it looks fine im just not a fan of the bright blocky style (subjective)

A couple lighting tweaks would be nice, but other than that, it looks good!

Alright, thanks for your help, it looks alot better in my opinion after I added your suggestions. I am making other maps in the same style and I might send them here

Alright, Im not that good with lighting, what would you recommend I change?

Maybe a change to sort of a sunset skybox, or just changing some of the properties of lighting to be a bit more orange.

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