How can I improve my Menu?

Hi there, I am making a game, and I know how important a menu is when it comes to games, its your second-first impression, An impression that should not be terrible, because otherwise players will be turned off…

My goal is to make a menu UI or menu that’s both Useable and Appealing to players.

This is what I have so far (Note I got rid of some UI elements, Such as logo, to make sure that the game name and what it is stays confidential):

Any opinions and Suggestions are welcome.


I believe the best way to go ahead and improve the UI would be to perhaps use blurred images layered under the main point of interest rather than clashing colour gradients!

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Try using more casual/modern fonts for your texts, maybe try adding some UICorners and UIGradients to some of the interface.

Try to not be limited to just “black background and white text”. Try out different combinations of colors (color theory would be great)

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Hmm, any examples?

(30 individual letters are required)

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Ah okay… Yeah i chose black and white because I wanted it to be easy on the eyes… Way too many colors might lead to color clashing, which isnt great. Also the more colors, the higher the chances of straining the eye.

I might consider Overhauling the menu, Its not too hard as i just have to reuse the ui elements and do some tweaking.

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You don’t have to choose a bunch of colors for just one GUI, try to grasp an artstyle, like this

If you dont want much strain in the eyes, try using dark cold colors like blue or purple

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aa, i see your point, ill make some mods to it then…

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