How can I improve my tank build?

Hey all, I have this Tiger 1 tank here and I’m looking for some feedback on it. It’s also made in a desert camo but I don’t know where I put it. Keep in mind that this is not meant to be used in a game because of the sheer amount of CSG parts and such.


This should be in #development-support:building-support

sorry i’m new here, should be fixed now though

This tank looks very good, great job! I don’t think you need to improve any of the tank as lots of the improvements will be very picky. If I was to suggest anything I don’t think it would make it any better so I am going to say what I like about it. I like the way you have made the back with all those little details on as I think that really adds to the quality of the build. The turret also looks very nice.

Thanks! Since it’s not made to be in a game and I don’t care about performance as a result, details were really something I tried to add.


Need to give more distance between the wheels and the side of the track.

Muzzle needs be more like so. Yeah this would definitely be harder to produce in studio but you can get a shape closer to this. Yours by comparison is too long, doesn’t feature that trapezium shape slot, and doesn’t have the same form.


The actual turret is a beast whilst yours turret looks pretty small which has also led to a smaller diameter barrel despite how thick it should be. Remember this was a fat 8.8cm gun. Should make the turret larger, make that gun much thicker.

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For some reason, it feels like that lower panel is just a bit long, or maybe because that your version lacks the circled feature, that it feels a bit out of proportion.

You’re missing these.

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Your antenna is pretty thick and lacks that antenna base as shown by the pic on the right.


wow, a lot of feedback. thanks, ill keep all of that in mind

it looks awesome man, i dont think you need to improve it. its good.

It would be really cool if you textured it!

Just an idea but overall it’s amazing.


It is amazing! But texturing it would make it double amazing!

Not all tanks have that much distance, though?

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Those pictures aren’t of the Tiger 1 tank.

Though it shouldn’t be as much as the BFV ingame screenshot I have taken, having looked at more Tiger 1 pics. But the drive sprocket should definitely be further inwards and not flush to the side of the tracks like in OP’s model.

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I agree - the drive sprockets were giving me some trouble when I was building. Thanks for the feedback

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