I’m currently trying to create a Wild West/Western themed shop box for players to purchase coins from and this is what I have;
all feedback is great, thank you.
I’m currently trying to create a Wild West/Western themed shop box for players to purchase coins from and this is what I have;
all feedback is great, thank you.
Changed the font of the robux to the same as the treasure chest
I think you should add gold bars in with the coins or replace the coins with bars, also as said above about the robux font.
That looks great so far. Some suggestions I have would be to find a better font and apply that same new font across the entire GUI. Consistency of font across an entire graphic is important and it harmonizes the design.
Next, I would fix the green button by adding the half-circle bevel on the left side of the button on both sides and not just a single side. This is because the button should be symmetrical, and, in my opinion, the half-circle bevel looks better and the two quarter circles.
I would also resize the robux icon to make it slightly smaller. There should be a decent amount of green space around the robux icon; right now the icon is too large.
As a final suggestion, you could put some shadows on the coins and the treasure chest to add some depth to the image.
Other than that, great job!
I was trying to find suitable Icons as obviously I’d like more than one icon for each purchase to show the player it increases - I couldn’t find a gold bar one to tinker with.
I’ve readjusted the green bar however I preferred the full circle Robux Icon end and the rounded rectangle the other end.
I’ll make the robux icon slightly smaller too for more blank space, I was struggling with Fonts even after browsing my current range and on DaFont.
Okay. The new image you uploaded with the robux font looks pretty good actually, my only suggestion would be to decrease the space between the numbers. They seem too far apart. The adjusted robux icon looks much better in the second image as well.
Updated Version after everyones current feedback:
(even more would be great, whether you’re a UI designer, artist, builder, scripter or player. ty)
Looks pretty good, although I would have to say that the “+5000” would be better without that shadow. The shadow looks pretty nice just on the green button. And, of course, decrease the space between the numbers so they are closer together.
Yeah, i’ll oh man my food
Sorry had to rescue my dinner from being burnt, I’m gonna decrease the space between the 5 0 0 0 but keep a larger space for the +.
Sorry huge amount of replies, thank you for noticing the spacing - I had a setting left over from creating an icon.
That looks much better. My last couple of suggestions would be to move the robux icon closer to the 200, then center both the icon and the 200 in the middle of the green button. Right now, they both seem a bit far apart.
My last suggestion would be regarding the treasure chest. For some reason, it looks off-centre to me. If you are able to centre it more I think that would be better, or you can just crop the image so that the treasure chest appears in the center more, then add the round bevels again from where you cropped it off, then make the adjustments of the button, numbers and icons accordingly.
mhm I’ll have more of a tinker with it.
Thanks for the discussion and tips.
Love it so much except the font that says +5000 doesnt really match the vibe
The improvements that have been made look alright if your wanting small ideas.
If you think it still needs to be improved view Wild West UI reference images to get little ideas on how you want it to look like. I would however include items hanging on the right top currency. If your wanting a more Wild West theme look you should make the purchase button have a rounded outline around it I feel like the purchase currency looks a little simplistic.
I would at least throw a few more UI options down the bar like for example: “Exit” button and more purchase options. Overall, it’s not bad try adding small amount of coins for the start, then increase the coin icons when the price raises something in the image below.
I really like the detail.
But you need to change the Font of Robux and The + 5000 immediately.
The doesn’t match with the UI
Thank you, I was inspired by other games while making this but I might try remaking it to be similar to that screenshot either via fitting them all on screen of having a horizontal bar.
Yeah the font annoys me as Its hard to make it match well.