Hello! I recently made this GFX for a little practice and I feel like it’s not as good as it can be. If you are a professional in this field, please tell me what you think is causing this awful feeling! (It’s not the lack of an obnoxious watermark, I don’t care)
I think the sun is too whiteish yellow. It should have more of an orange-y color. And maybe make the sunlight a bit brighter while making everywhere else a bit darker.
And while you do that, you should also consider adding some texture to the sand. i.e. with a texture you can find online or can make yourself with Adobe Substance painter and import into the scene. Right now, it looks a bit plasticky and too shiny.
And you can probably make it a little more zoomed in. Though it’s fine the way it is right now.
Your render is not all that bad, though right now it does look weird with how the sun is white and the sand reflects yellow light. So you might want to fix that.
I was worried about going too overboard with the post processing and lighting (extreme darks and lights,) but I think that might help a lot!
getting rid of the tiles would be better, but good GFX though