How can I improve this GFX?

Hello, I’m currently working on a GFX because I wanted to try and make one when I was bored but I don’t have much experience on making GFX so I’m looking for feedback.

Here is what I have currently made. It is the avatar of one of my friends on the doomspire brickbattle map:

It’s not fully rendered as I didn’t want to waste time

Please let me know if you have any feedback as anything would be appreciated :slight_smile:


It looks really nice, but I would reccomend adding shadows (or making them darker).

Also, make the palm of the character surround the sword’s handle.


Thanks I changed the lighting on the image slightly:

I also adjusted the hand as you suggested so it wraps around the sword at the end:

sausagesweetcorn gfx 2 hand


Here is an updated version:

I just changed the camera’s position slightly


This looks great already! Atm I can’t really think of things to improve, the only thing I have in mind for realism is a cloudy sky in the background, as the background is currently one static color.


Adding more details in the lighting and adding more detailed shadows, or adding more details in the background are ideas that are mostly used in gfx.


This GFX looks good and funny, I recommend adding shadows and darker lighting to make it more realistic.

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Too much head room in my opinion, I get the perspective is to show off the comedic side of the render but it still is hard to visibly see - especially if it was smaller on a banner or a logo of some sorts.

I would recommend cropping in the top position to about an inch distance from the render’s head and the top of the frame.

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The camera should be in a more dynamic position with the subject centered and almost no blank spaces. I agree with everyone else on adjusting the lighting to create depth.

Yeah and maybe play around with some basic colour grading - if OP knows how.