How can I improve this GUI?

I created this GUI with a sci-fi-ish style in mind, but something seems wrong/missing. Could you give feedback on it and help me improve it(I’m new to UI making)?



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~ NinjaFactory


(post marked for deletion for privacy reasons)


Ok! I’ll do that right now, then tell me if you like it better!

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I’ve updated the GUI! Tell me what you think of it now.

(post marked for deletion for privacy reasons)


Ok, I think I’ve finally got it! I’ve changed the font once again.

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(post marked for deletion for privacy reasons)


(Please unlock the poll/make a new one for people that isn’t in those Groups because I would really like to vote)

The GUI is very nice (always better than what I could do) but there’s a few things that you should change (could you tell us what it is for so we can help you out more?)

  • As @LIVONO5KAHN said, the font is a bit ugly with the Sci-Fi theme in mind, o suggest you follow @LIVONO5KAHN‘s tip
  • That blue part doesn’t fit the Sci-Fi theme, I suggest you change it
  • I suggest you add a bit more text, to make it more ‘clunky’ but still readable

Overralll good job! Always better than what I could do!

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That blue part you’re talking about is only blue when it’s being selected(or, at least that’s what I’m planning), and will be outlined otherwise.

And yes, I can unlock the poll for other people, it was just so that I could get feedback from people with expirience, but I guess not beng in those groups doesn’t neccesarily mean you don’t have any.

I agree with you, but next time you want to do this, put a poll for people that are (probably) experienced and one for people that (probably) aren’t

Also for the selected thing, I suggest you make it a bit more transparent and less thick, take a look at Mass Effect’s GUIs, it’s a good example