okay wow this seems like it doesnt need any but thing is i would recommend adding and icon to the price tags and making it a bit more rounded like 16 or 8?
maybe add UIGradient to buy buttons? idk, this is looks beatiful already
The only thing that intrigues me is how clean it looks, great work!
you made this? thats pretty cool its already good
Things I would change:
- Add some currency text or icon to the price button (like
) - Make the rarity text a bit smaller than the melee/skin name
otherwise, it looks very good already!
Maybe creating a shadow effect on the weapons when the mouse hover on them.
It looks good! You should make the purchase buttons a bit more round, and not as “blocky” though. You should also add a scroll bar on the right side if there will be more than 3 weapons in the shop to where you have to scroll.
Try using viewport frames with spinning effect, if possible.
I wouldn’t change a thing. I think it looks great!
thanks for all the kind words

ive also changed the background color as i found it hard to see the darker weapon icons, i couldnt really change the roundiness as it would not be consistent with other my other uis
Now I noticed something:
Owned Button could be darker or even if it fits an outer circle around it would look nice like so:
You Current Cash doesn’t match the whole store.
So it would look better if the black bar is on the same transparency as your store!