I have a module that is supposed to create 4d vectors. The code works fine, but I’m wondering if I can improve performance or readability.
local Vector4 = {}
local TYPE_STRING: string = "Vector4"
-- to make typechecker happy
local function CalculateMagnitude(self: Vector4Type): number
return math.sqrt(self.X^2 + self.Y^2 + self.Z^2 + self.W^2)
local function CalculateLerp(x0: number, y0: number, x1: number, y1: number, x: number): number
return y0 * (1 - (x - x0) / (x1 - x0)) + y1 * (1 - (x1 - x) / (x1 - x0))
local function MultiplyVector4(self: Vector4Type, value: Vector4Type | number): Vector4Type
if typeof(value) == "number" then
return Vector4.new(self.X * value, self.Y * value, self.Z * value, self.W * value)
if typeof(value) ~= "table" then
error(string.format("Attempted to add %s and %s", TYPE_STRING, typeof(value)))
local value: Vector4Type = (value:: Vector4Type)
return Vector4.new(value.X * self.X, value.Y * self.Y, value.Z * self.Z, value.W * self.W)
local function DivideVector4(self: Vector4Type, value: Vector4Type | number): Vector4Type
if typeof(value) == "number" then
return Vector4.new(self.X / value, self.Y / value, self.Z / value, self.W / value)
if typeof(value) ~= "table" then
error(string.format("Attempted to add %s and %s", TYPE_STRING, typeof(value)))
local value: Vector4Type = (value:: Vector4Type)
return Vector4.new(value.X / self.X, value.Y / self.Y, value.Z / self.Z, value.W / self.W)
Vector4.__index = function(self: Vector4Type, key): any
-- We can't precompute the Unit Vector, since the unit vector would require
-- it's own unit vector, which would need another unit vector blah blah
-- causing a stack overflow
if key == "Unit" then
return DivideVector4(self, CalculateMagnitude(self))
elseif key == "Magnitude" then
return CalculateMagnitude(self)
return Vector4[key]
Vector4.__add = function(self: Vector4Type, value: Vector4Type)
if typeof(value) ~= "table" then
error(string.format("Attempted to add %s and %s", TYPE_STRING, typeof(value)))
return Vector4.new(value.X + self.X, value.Y + self.Y, value.Z + self.Z, value.W + self.W)
Vector4.__mul = MultiplyVector4
Vector4.__sub = function(self: Vector4Type, value: Vector4Type)
if typeof(value) ~= "table" then
error(string.format("Attempted to subtract %s and %s", TYPE_STRING, typeof(value)))
return Vector4.new(value.X - self.X, value.Y - self.Y, value.Z - self.Z, value.W - self.W)
Vector4.__div = DivideVector4
Vector4.__tostring = function(self)
return string.format("{%s, %s, %s, %s}", tostring(self.X), tostring(self.Y), tostring(self.Z), tostring(self.W))
Vector4.__newindex = function(self, key, value)
error(string.format("Attempted to set %s of %s to %s.", key, tostring(self), tostring(value)))
export type Vector4Type = {
X: number,
Y: number,
Z: number,
W: number,
__type: string,
-- Needed to allow error less indexing of Magnitude and Unit
Magnitude: number?,
Unit: Vector4Type?
function Vector4.new(X: number?, Y: number?, Z: number?, W: number?): Vector4Type
local X: number = X or 0
local Y: number = Y or 0
local Z: number = Z or 0
local W: number = W or 0
local self: Vector4Type = {
X = X,
Y = Y,
Z = Z,
W = W,
__type = TYPE_STRING
return setmetatable(self, Vector4)
function Vector4:Dot(OtherVector4: Vector4Type): number
return OtherVector4.X * self.X + OtherVector4.Y * self.Y + OtherVector4.Z * self.Z + OtherVector4.W * self.W
function Vector4:FuzzyEq(OtherVector4: Vector4Type, Epsilon: number?): boolean
local Epsilon: number = Epsilon or 0.001
for key: string, value: number in pairs(OtherVector4) do
if key == "__type" then continue end
if math.abs(value - OtherVector4[key]) <= Epsilon then
return true
return false
function Vector4:GetComponents(): (number, number, number, number)
return self.X, self.Y, self.Z, self.W
function Vector4:Lerp(EndVector4: Vector4Type, Alpha: number?): Vector4Type
local Alpha: number = Alpha or 0.5
local x0: number = self.X
local x1: number = EndVector4.X
local y0: number = self.Y
local y1: number = EndVector4.Y
local z0: number = self.Z
local z1: number = EndVector4.Z
local w0: number = self.W
local w1: number = EndVector4.W
local Alpha: number = x1 - x0 * Alpha
local y = CalculateLerp(x0, y0, x1, y1, Alpha)
local z = CalculateLerp(x0, z0, x0, z0, Alpha)
local w = CalculateLerp(x0, w0, x1, w1, Alpha)
return Vector4.new(Alpha, y, z, w)
return Vector4