How can I increase precision of Orientation


I’m currently working on the turret of my tank. It is working good at all BUT when I set the FOV of the Camera closer to 15 (This will be the zoom later on by right clicking) things going to be weird. The Crosshair isn’t moving when I move my mouse just a little bit to make some corrections. Does someone got any idea how to solve this problem?

Here is the line I use to move the turret:

car.Turret.Lauf.AlignOrientation.CFrame = mouse.Hit

I also got this option but it doesn’t matter because the results are the same:

car.Turret.Lauf.AlignOrientation.CFrame = CFrame.Angles(Camera.CFrame:ToEulerAnglesXYZ())

I would appreciate any ideas thanks.

you could make it so it locks players field of view to certain point so they can’t scroll in our out

No thats not the problem. Just look at the last seconds of the video the problem is that the turret doesnt move when the cursor is being moved


I got it working by setting the MaxTorque to math.huge.
