How can I insert a Meshpart?

I need to insert this head, but the script is inserting the default one. I need to insert a Meshpart instead. How can I insert a Meshpart?

local assetId = 14532846222
local InsertService = game:GetService("InsertService")
local model = InsertService:LoadAsset(assetId)
model.Parent = workspace

never mind i read the post wrong

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You just take the mesh_id from the special mesh, and plot it onto your MeshPart?

You can either do this manually or through scripting.

I want to import everything in the second picture to the studio, not just the meshpart.

You just create a new instance and transfer the mesh_id over to the newly created instance. :slight_smile:

Edit: Oh I get it. Give me a sec.

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Have you tried to import it as a bundle, since heads are considered a bundle?

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This isn’t exclusive to dynamic heads. It happens in normal heads too. Isn’t it basically the same as importing as a bundle?

Yes, this plugin worked.

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