How can I insert a player name Into a table as a string?

This might be a dumb question but I am still new to table values etc. How can I insert a player name Into a table value as a string? So In short insert in a table a string value, that I can acess without using numbers.

the script:

local GamePlayers = {}

function PlayerAdded(NewPlr)
function PlayerLeft(NewPlr)


What I want:

local GamePlayers = {





What I get:

local GamePlayers = {
[1] = "63il",
[2] = "Player1",
[3] = "Player2"

any help is appreciated!

GamePlayers[playerName] = whateverYouWantJustNotNil

What you could do here is:
table.remove(GamePlayers, table.find(GamePlayers, NewPlr.Name))

Or alternatively do what @azqjanna said and do something like:
GamePlayers[NewPlr.Name] = true

You can remove things from maps the same way:
GamePlayers[playerName] = nil

This also does not care if playerName was never actually in the table, not that it should be possible in this application.

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Yeah, I probably should have mentioned that. My first response with the table.remove is solely for the array approach OP was currently using

So when the player leaves, I can just set the value to nil ?

Yes. If an entry in the table for a given key has the value nil, it is considered to not be in the table.

Wow thanks! You saved me alot of time there!

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