I’ve recently found an avatar store with proximity prompts on it’s mannequins that allow you to inspect said dummies’ avatars as if they were players.
I’ve tried recreating this for my own UGC store, but all documentation on the Avatar Inspect Menu I’ve found on the avatar inspection menu has only explained how to inspect the avatar of an existing user; how would I be able to inspect specifically the avatar of a mannequin NPC?
There is also modified version of the module that was used for the haunt. It has some polishing to the UI, side avatar view and more functionality than the base version. it does also include some new settings for request and number of item equip limits.
I worked on adding all these features so it could be use in the haunt so if you need help with it lmk
Ended up figuring out how they did it. Turns out InspectPlayerFromHumanoidDescription() works perfectly fine with NPCs, turns out the mannequin didn’t have a HumanoidDescription and I had to make one for it manually