How can I keep track of the Roblox Basic car's speed

Hello! I was wondering how would i be able to to keep track of the Roblox Basic Car’s Speed.

I want to use it to display it as a text and to make the car sounds smoother, as well as making the car system smoother too

Here is a link to the car im talking about:

You anyone could help me out that would be great!

Thanks for reading:D

You can probably just track the car body’s velocity

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I will try it out, im a programmer but i don’t have too much experience with these types of systems

I also wanted to ask how could i covert the speed text into MPR?

MPR? Did you mean miles per hour?

yea i did, or some way to make it easier for players to read

According to the roblox world panel, 16 studs = 4.48 meters, therefore 1 stud = 4.48 / 16 = 0.28 meters. Knowing that 1 stud is 0.28 meters, you can easily convert the velocity in studs to meters and then to KMH or MPH. (1 kilometer = 1000 meters, 1 mile = 1609 meters)


Is there an article on dev hub or here on the forum that i could read on?

About what? Converting distance units?

yes, please it would help me out a lot

Just use the search bar or google it.

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Thank you so much for the help i appreciate it:D