Basically I want to be able to load data “slots” or “characters” where you select a character and it sets up events for the data of that character.
When you load a character it’ll call a function called loadSlot(slot) the slot being the data slot it loads obviously. But when the slot gets changed I want to completely kill the previous loadSlot function called and all events or active functions inside of it.
My current best way of doing this would to have the loadSlot() function be a script that I clone and then delete to stop all the running code. But maybe there is a better way?
so you want to load character slots, and using data with it, generally datastore would be useful here, if its a certain change like deleting the slot then u just wipe their data for that slot id think, unsure what type of change you’re referring to
-- Define the character data as a module
local characterData = {
[1] = {
name = "Character 1",
-- Add any other data you need for this character
[2] = {
name = "Character 2",
-- Add any other data you need for this character
-- Add more character data as needed
-- Define the loadSlot function
local activeScript = nil
function loadSlot(slot)
-- Clear any previous events or active functions here
if activeScript then
activeScript = nil
print("Loading slot", slot)
-- Get the selected character's data
local selectedCharacterData = characterData[slot]
-- Create a new script to handle the selected character's data
activeScript ="Script")
activeScript.Name = "ActiveScript"
activeScript.Parent = workspace
-- Do whatever you need to do with the character data here
-- Example usage: loadSlot(1) would load the data for Character 1
For the UI part just call the loadSlot function with the appropriate slot number.